Friday, June 23, 2017

International Widows Day

For years there has been a population of individuals that has when unnoticed by authorities and society. The population is that of widows you know those that have lost their husbands. Many of these have dramatic struggles that are often invisible. The population of widows in countries around the world will face differing situations. Some countries will deny widows their inheritance and land rights. This practice is not only degrading but also life threatening. While mourning their husbands and facing burial time the country you live in persecutes you only for being a widow. 

Often because their husband has been the major bread winner widows are evicted from their homes. At times they may become abused physically or possibly killed by others that are to protect them. Many countries look at the husbands status to define his wives. When the husband dies the status is gone and many believe the lady has no place in society. Social status can only be regained if and when the widow wife marries again. This may be something that they would choose not to do but have no real choice. 
Some countries look at a widow woman with shame. There are those that believe a widow woman has been cursed in cultures and may be even considered witchcraft. Such thoughts lead widow women to not being accepted by society which could have terrible outcomes. Not only can it affect the widow's life but also her children. Emotional and economical problems may occur. Some children are forced to go to work early to help support their family. Over 115 million widows live in poverty struggling to survive. Many widows and their children are malnourished and exposed to disease. Around the world 1.5 million  children of widows will die before their fifth birthday. 

International Widows Day was created to bring awareness to the rights and recognition of widows. There are approximately 245 million widows and over 500 million children who suffer in silence worldwide. More research and stats are needed to show exactly what widows life is. Children of widows face horrors such as child marriage, illiteracy, loss of schooling, forced labor, human trafficking, homelessness and sexual abuse. The Day is to bring awareness to government and what can be done to ensure the rights of widows. The group strives to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women and rights of children. 
Part of the issue is that the justice system look over the rights of widows. Programs and policies for helping widows and their wives from having a life in poverty, striving to educate all and supporting all widows no matter what age is needed. Their are groups to help with peace building and reconciliation to ensure that families stay together as well. In addition, widows should be given help to find adequate healthcare, education, decent work, full participation in decision making and public life. The goal is to find lives free of violence and abuse after the period of bereavement. 

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1 comment:

  1. I didn’t know there was a widow’s day, but it makes total sense. Oddly, my mother, my aunt and their two cousins are all widows, though luckily the four of them had their own jobs and so they were never in financial troubles after my father and their husbands passed away.
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