Monday, June 26, 2017

Growing Roses

I can recall shortly before my dad passed to a better place he planted roses to remind my mom that he loved her. With them both getting on in age my dad got my son to help him plant these beautiful roses for my mom. That was nearly 20 years ago, this year me and my husband planted our first roses in our own yard. A work of love that we both shared. If you want to plant some roses of your own here are some tips to keep in mind:

While it has been said many times the truth is that Roses are not hard to grow. Old and new roses are often disease resistant and easy to care for. Roses come in a grand array of sizes, colors, and shapes. All of these possess their own beauty and work well with other plants.

When planting your roses try to find an area that offers full sun. Roses desire at least six hours of sun a day. If this is not possible then consider a hybrid rose that will tolerate more shade. Morning sun is most desired by roses as it can help dry dew off the plants leaves and this will also help lower risk of black spots.

A well drained soil is also a great need for roses. Compost , lots of it, worked in to the soil will help the rose growth. Roses do like consume water but do not like their bottoms to be wet

Many roses will bloom from May til frost. Feeding your plant will allow it to do this. Rose fertilizers can be purchased but if you can not find it look for any good quality fertilizer. Do not feed roses after the middle of August. Roses will be dormant in thee winter feeding will promote growth that is not wanted as fall approaches. You should water your plant after fertilizing.

Roses desire water. One to two inches of water is needed when hot. Try not to get thee leaves of the plant overly wet. Roses are susceptible to fungus and the leaves staying wet can lead to growth of fungus.

Prune away dead, diseased or damaged stems in early spring and whenever they occur. This allows the center of the bush to gain better air control. Roses should also be cut back to about 3 feet to prevent wind damage in the winter. Climbing roses should be securely attached to arbor. Mulch the plant well prior to winter.


  1. Aww, his made me so teary. You had a beautiful father who loved his wife dearly.
    We have roses at this home where we moved to nearly two years ago and all of the above are true . The previous owner was a nursery garden man so he knew where to plant....I had to learn about roses never having had any in my previous more bush garden! but my mother and sisters had roses.

  2. Roses are so beautiful! And I have found them very resilient but I cannot stand the thorns...

    Reading List

  3. Thanks for sharing! We have tons of videos on Roses. Appreciate you sharing this blog on my Google Plus page as we love roses too!


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