Friday, June 30, 2017

Good Old Recipe Box

It seems ages ago now but as a young wife and mother I collected recipes in a system such as this, my mother and grandmother before me did as well. Now many collect recipes and keep them on a social site such as pinterest or google+ but years ago it was pen and paper and a recipe box.

Newspaper clippings may have found their way into the recipe box collection as well.

what would you have saved on your recipe card?? Nows Your chance


  1. I still use recipe box just like that! Been handed down from two generations!

    1. I have one as well and consider myself lucky to have it many great recipes have been collected over the days

  2. I have one also but don't use it as much as I use to. Maybe it's time to take it out of the closet and prepare one of the recipes in it.


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