Sunday, March 12, 2017

Plant a Flower Day

Today is national plant a flower day. Today take a moment to think about what flowers you will plant in your yard and garden. Most people enjoy flowers so today is a day that we can all be involved with. Some will buy flowers to decorate with others may take part in crafts with a flower theme and still others will plant a flower. How will you participate this year. 

Flowers have a positive affect on most people that are around them. Flowers can help improve the concentration and learning abilities of those who work around flowers. Flowers can be used to teach children about growing and the environment. Flowers can make people feel more relaxed and positive about things as well. So as you see flowers are not just pretty and smell good but they are helpful and beneficial for the people around them. 

A few ideas you could do is to decorate your house with flowers, plant flowers in your community around places that need to be brightened up or plant some flowers in your yard. Here where we are it is a bit too cold to plant flowers as of yet and those that have started to bloom I noticed their owners have covered them up the best that they could. So if you are like me I thought i might share with you some lovely early spring flowers that should be appearing soon if they have not all ready. Enjoy!!!

                                                                        Grape hyacinth



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