Friday, March 31, 2017

Oranges and lemons

I love citrus fruit. The delicious taste of the sweet but tangy oranges and lemons makes my toungue dance. Oranges originated around 2500 B.C. in Asia. Ancient Europeans grew oranges for medicinal purposes. Vitamin C has remained an excellent cold remedy to this day.

Lemons are a cross between the citron and the sour orange? Christopher Columbus brought the first lemon and orange seeds on his journey. Unknowingly he would introduce oranges and lemons through the New World Today. California and Florida still grow the fruits quite well. Sailors would plant orange trees along their trade routes to prevent scurvy. A disease that develops from a deficiency of vitamin C. Sailors would plant orange trees along their trade routes to prevent scurvy. A disease that develops from a deficiency of vitamin C One orange has enough vitamin C for 2 day supply. A lemon provides 50% of required vitamin C.

There is an average of 600 varieties of oranges. You may have heard of a few of them such as blood oranges, navel and valencia. The orange is a hybrid of mandarin and pomelo is unknown to grow in the wild.

In the United States orange is the fourth most popular fruit and Orange Juice is the most popular. In the world orange is the world's third favorite flavor, coming in behind chocolate and vanilla. The more bitter flavor oranges are used to make marmalade. Lemon juice has a sour taste as there is 5-6% acid in the juice.

Brazil grows 1/3 of the worlds oranges. An average of 17.8 million tons per year. Most of the oranges grown are produce for their juice. Lemon trees will produce fruit year round. One tree can produce 500 to 6oo pounds of lemons in a single year. The most common lemons include Eureka, Lisbon and Meyer.

One gardening tip you may not be aware of is to sprinkle orange peel over your veggie garden and it will help repel slugs.

Oranges are high in anti oxidants that help neutralize the effects of free radicals in your body. Free radicals are thought to cause diseases and aging. Eating an orange can help you stay young and healthy.

You may think that an orange is named after its color. You would be wrong. Navel oranges, however do get their name from the belly button. Look at the opposite end of the fruit's stem and you may see something that resembles a belly button. The bigger the naval the sweeter the orange.

Oranges can be stored in refrigerator or at room temperature. They last about 2 weeks no matter where stored. Store them loose and not in plastic bag as they develop mold when exposed to moisture. To save lemon place in plastic bag after sprinkling them with water to keep them tasting fresh. Frozen lemons can last a month or longer.

In ancient times lemons would be presented to one king to another. Lemons were once very rare and thus a form of treasure.

Looking for an easy remedy for sore throat?? Add the juice of one lemon to an equal amount of hot water. This will create an anti bacterial gargle. Lemon zest is used to flavor baking recipes and other dishes. Lemon tree leaves can be used to make up tea and as a prep for cooked meats. Lemons are great cleaning agents because of their high acidic nature. Lemon juice low pH makes it a great disinfectant, breaks up grease and oil and gets rid of bad odors. Lemon oil is used in non toxic pesticides. Lemon juice can be used to preserve foods that easily brown. A squeeze of lemon in warm water may help relieve constipation.

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