Thursday, March 2, 2017

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Each year in March a special birthday is observed. No it is not mine it is for a much more familiar individual. The character is Dr. Seuss who was also known as Theodor Seuss Geisel. He was born in 1904 and passed away in 1991. During his lifetime Dr. Seuss authored more than 60 children books. Geisel would change the world of Children's literature forever. 

Children all over the world know Dr. Seuss. The many books have been translated into 20 languages. For the past 50 + years Dr. Seuss books have been inspiring children to read. Kids have learned about important things in life. From taking responsibility, caring for others and the environment, and standing up for others the world has became a better place.
The amazing wonderful stories that Dr. Seuss shared have provided many hours of zany humor, silly rhymes and amazing characters. Dr Seuss celebrates his 113th birthday. So to celebrate make up some green eggs and ham and have a great time reading.

  • 6 large eggs
  • green GEL food coloring {Americolor’s Leaf Green is my fave}
  • 1/4 cup mayo
  • 1 t mustard {I used spicy brown, but yellow works just fine}
  • salt, pepper, paprika, tarragon {you can just use salt & pepper if you like}
First, we need to hard boil the eggs.  Turn the egg carton on its side and let the eggs sit out of the refrigerator for 30 minutes.  Letting the eggs come up to temp helps them not to crack and turning them on their side helps the yolk slide to the middle of the egg  so they are not off center. Put the eggs in a pan and fill with cold water, covering completely with about an inch of water over the top of the eggs.  Do not crowd the eggs or they can crack!  Put on high heat allowing the eggs to come to a rolling boil. Turn the stove off, cover tightly, and remove from heat.  Allow to sit in the pot, covered for exactly 17 minutes.
Using a slotted spoon, transfer from the pan into a bowl of cold water and ice cubes.  This will stop the cooking process and prevent the egg yolks from turning greenish.  Leave them in the ice water for 15 – 20 minutes.

Peel the eggs under running water, if you follow the above steps, they should peel easily.  

Pop the yolks out and mash lightly.  Add salt, pepper, paprika, and tarragon {or any combination of these that you like} to taste.  Add the mayo and mustard.  Stir until mostly combined.

Then, add two small squirts of the gel food coloring.  Do not use the liquid food coloring from the store.  It is too runny for these purposes and will make the egg mixture really loose.  Stir them until all of the food coloring is incorporated and put into a piping bag.  If you don’t have a piping bag, you can use a plastic Ziploc and just snip the tip off for piping.

You can store in the fridge separately until ready to eat.  Pipe into the egg whites and enjoy!  It’s a great way to celebrate Dr Seuss’ Birthday!

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