Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Winter White Veggies

We have all heard the phrase "eat the rainbow" meaning that the more colors we have in our diet from fruits and veggies the more nutritional we are eating. Sometimes in the midst of winter this may get a bit hard to do. The good thing is that pale foods such as cauliflower and celery root have a lot to offer as well. The white fruit offers those that eat it heart health, boost bone strength and the best thing is that they peak season in cooler months should be easier to find.

Garlic has long been known to help prevent the buildup of plaque on artery walls, and thus reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease. It also has been known to have some power in blocking tumor growth.

Cauliflower packs 68 percent of dietary allowance of vitamin c in one cup of serving. Cauliflower is an antioxidant that may reduce your risk for heart disease. Cauliflower florets also contain the nutrient choline. Choline has been found to help the brain slow age related memory loss.

Parsnips, not white carrots as a grocery store clerk once thought they were, were my grandmothers favorite veggie I believe. One cup of cooked parsnips allows the eater 30% of daily vitamin c needs as well as giving 20 % of manganese that is needed in the body. Manganese is a mineral that many researches believe act as a natural antidote to PMS. Parsnips also offer fiber and helps you feel fuller longer.


  1. Love cauliflower! I use instead of potatoes, rice and eat it raw too! Love this post!

    1. I love cauliflower lice that as well. One of my favorites is cauliflower in butter sauce thanks for visiting us today

  2. I've been hearing so many great things about cauliflower recently - I really need to buy it more often.

    1. it really is good and good for you. Kids may not enjoy it as much but you may be surprised my young ones always did enjoy
      thanks for the visit


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