Saturday, February 11, 2017

Happy Birthday Mr. Edison and meet a few other inventors through time

Today, February 11 is Thomas Edison's birthday. He was an extra-ordinary man who invented many different things that makes our life much easier. Born in the late 1800s in a time before electricity Edison would change that as well. To this great man who never gave up. He was home-schooled, possibly would have been considered ADHD in this time and place and always learned from his mistakes.

Thank you Mr. Edison

since February is a time to celebrate African Americans and their tributes I thought I might share a few other inventors who made life as we know it easier

In 1867 Sarah Breedlove a.k.a Madam C.J. Walker was born into a former slave family. She was a ladies hair dresser and developed products for hair. She was at times criticized for trying to conform black women's hair to that of white ladies hair. She fought back and demanded her products were to help women take proper care of their hair and promote its growth. She was the first African American woman millionaire and pass from the earth in 1919.

In 1893 Frederick McKinley Jones was born. He would become a prolific inventor with more than sixty inventions. One of his best known and most helpful inventions was that of the automatic refrigeration system for long haul trucks in 1935. He did this through a roof mounted cooling device. This would be used for both trucks and railroad cars. With this invention the risk of food spoilage during long distance shipping trips was eliminated. Jones was issued the patent on July 12, 1940. In 1961 Jones would pass to a better place.

Granville Woods was often referred to as the "Black Thomas Edison" Woods would obtain more than 50 patents for inventions including an automatic brake and an egg incubator for improvements to other inventions such as safety circuits, telegraph, telephone, and phonograph.

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Merry Monday

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