Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Happy Birthday George Washington

The great event that happened over 250 years ago was the birth of one of the greatest men to live in the United States. George Washington who was brave enough to become the first president of the United States was born on February 22, 1732. Brave, yes I said brave because right after the American Revolution no one was quite sure would happen and it took a brave man to lead this country not knowing if his life would be taken. 

George Washington's birthday is celebrated as a federal holiday on the third Monday of February. The holiday can occur as early as the 15th and as late as the 21st or whatever day the third Monday falls upon. The day is often known as President's Day and is an occasion to honor all the great men (so far) that have served as president. In the late 1800s it was illegal to partake in trade on George Washington's birthday but now many states celebrate Presidents day instead.

The national celebration of George's birthday began while George Washington was still alive and continued after he died. The late 20th century changed the day to "President's Day" Washington died in 1799 but it was not til 1879 that Washington's birthday became a federally recognized holiday. In 1968 this changed when congress passed the "Uniform Monday Holiday Act" The act was to provide federal employees with more three day weekends. Since this act George Washington's birthday has not been celebrated on the actual day of his birth since the law took effect in 1971.

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