Sunday, January 15, 2017

Three Minute High Protein Egg White Oatmeal

Mornings are very fast paced, hectic and most of all early around here. I have to be at work at 6 a.m. my son works with me and so my husband is in charge of all 3 grand kids making sure they are at school by 7:30 a.m. So with all the active morning activities there still needs to be breakfast. I often look for something quick. I recently found this yummy oatmeal breakfast it only takes a couple of minutes. It is filling and has plenty of protein as well..
Egg White Oatmeal Recipe
This recipe can also be made the night before and have it ready for breakfast the next day. This would save even more time if you needed it which I often find myself needing more time. The egg whites in this recipe will help the oatmeal fill even more filling. They may even make the oatmeal more fluffier. 
Egg White Oatmeal Ingredients

Adding items to the oatmeal like nut butter, protein powder or fruit offers more flavor. The oats will also taste lighter and tastier. 
mashed banana
Three minutes is all it takes to create a tasty breakfast. The microwave is a valuable help with time as well

  • ½ cup quick cooking oats (you may use regular oats, but the cooking time will be a little longer)
  • 1 ripe banana
  • ½ cup milk of your choice (I typically use almond milk)
  • ¾ cup liquid egg whites (I use egg whites from a carton to make them easy to measure and pour)
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  1. Peel and mash banana
  2. Stir banana and remaining ingredients together in a medium-size bowl, with room at the top so the oats can “grow” in the microwave without overflowing
  3. Microwave on high for three minutes, stirring after 75 seconds and then again every 30 to 45 seconds until three minutes are up
  4. Top with your favorite toppings and enjoy!
recipe source here 

What is your favorite way to prepare oatmeal? Any tips or tricks for making it more filling?


  1. I need to try this one, I love oatmeal!

    1. you should and if you do please let me know what you think
      thanks for stopping by always love seeing that you visited


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