Friday, January 6, 2017

Organizing the Kids Toys and Etc....

Have you ever stepped on a lego, toy car or other toy in the middle of the night or hurrying to the bathroom.? Ask any parent and they most likely will agree that the pain involved with these little plastic bricks. 
Have you ever smashed a small plastic toy of your child's?? Some are so cheaply made and shatter into tiny irreparable pieces. 

I have tried to explain to our grand-children that they need to take care of their stuff and be responsible. If you have ever had this conversation with your children then I wonder if you also have felt as if at times you are talking to yourself. Leaving things on the floor and toys getting broke means that the problem of not picking items up off the floor is getting serious. It may be a problem of not knowing how to organize the mess and since they are children they need a leader and clearing a whole room may seem like a rather large task to them as well. You can actually make this a bit easier for your home by using a few simple tricks. 

  • Organize all toys into like categories. Put all the cars in the same place, the dishes in another, whatever it is your child plays can be broken down into different themes. When our children were younger we tried to set it up in themes.
  • Store toys in bins, baskets or boxes whatever works best. Dish tubs, inexpensive totes, and laundry baskets are all winners for both the ease in keeping items together as well as on the pocketbook since these items are all available at the dollar store.
  • Everyone including our children could use a bit of simple in their lives. Sometimes they just simply have to many toys. At different times through the year I sit down and go through the toy boxes sorting out what they play with and what they do not. Any broken toys are sent to trash while those that are simply not played with are often donated. You may find out what you find in the toy box from missing shoes to that empty juice container I have found a bit of it all.
If the fact is that they simply have too many items then ask relatives and friends not to give toys for their birthday or holiday but rather offer them a experience to make memories. Taking a child to the zoo, museum, movie, or other fun place will offer them a bit of fun that they will not soon forget. Older children may be interested in games, music or video on the internet. There are many to choose from that require only a few dollars that your child will love for hours. 

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