Monday, January 16, 2017

Nothing Day

I believe a day without anything to do would be great. A nothing day so to speak where there is nothing that needs fixed to eat, nothing that needs to be done for the children and nothing to do at work. Sounds like a great day, wait that may just a bit boring. But there was a Nothing Day created or so to speak.

In 1972 a Nothing day of sorts was proposted by columnist Harold Pullman Coffin. Since that time Nothing day has been observed each year on January 16th since 1973. Not really a public holiday because that would need an act of Congress. NO, this holiday was proposed and is meant to provide Americans with one National Day where they can sit around without celebrating observing or honoring anything. The day is sponsored by Coffin's National Nothing Foundation. This foundation can be found in Capitola California. 

Normally the third Monday of every January has been inaugurated as Martin Luther King Jr. day. So this year Do Nothing Day occurs on a public holiday. 

So I hope you had the chance to enjoy Do Nothing Day if not it will occur again next year same day make a not of it but do that tomorrow as today is do nothing day

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