Monday, December 5, 2016


I grew up in a much simpler time. I know every generation says that but tell you the truth I do believe it was a great era to grow up in. One of the going things back in the 80's when I was a pre-teen and my teen years was those big folders known as trapper keepers and stickers. Yes I did say stickers. Many of us loved to collect them, everything was covered with them.

There were those that were scratch and sniff and those that glimmered and shined. There were those that showed off the hunks and babes of the time. There were so many that whatever you liked you could easily find it. Some of the sticker flair went away but, now with StickerBeans the beauty is back.

Sticker Beans is a great place to find stickers and much more. Two friends Dana Runyon an Kim Spadaccini are tow moms with seven children between them. Their children range in ages between 11 through 20. Great age when sticker collecting would have been a hobby back in the day. That is exactly why the two friends came together to form StickerBeans Rhinestone stickers.

As avid sticker collectors both Dana and Kim had great memories of sticker collecting. They are both very creative and love anything that sparkles. With the world plugged into the nearest electronic device creativity is often forgotten. The moms wanted to bring back sticker collecting to give kids some time to "unplug"

The goal was to create stickers that would mimic stickers with Swarovski crystal design. So the ladies decided to have stickers printed using cool and trendy images. The bright colorful rhinestones made the stickers unique. Kids of all ages should admire the StickerBean stickers and create a desire to collect or use anywhere that needs a bit of sparkle.

In addition to the great 2 inch stickers and there are many to choose from. Ranging from holidays to awareness to food to sports and so much more take a look you will be able to find a few you love as well. 
If you get into it and start your own collection they can help you there as well. With a wonderful collection book. 

Stickerbeanz has awakened the sticker collector in me. The price to start this collection is very reasonable. The price of a 2" sticker is $3.95. So why not get the whole family involved. Want to join in on the fun ?? Check out StickerBeans and start your collection.

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nifty thrifty sunday

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