Monday, December 12, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday

As I look outside my window:
it is currently dark , I can see Christmas lights on our porch as well as neighbors house

Right Now I am:
chatting with my daughter on facebook, talking to my husband and watching a bit of T.V.

Thinking and Pondering:
about the holidays and those that will not be with family on Christmas.

On My Bedside Table:
too much needs cleaned off but a few notebooks that I was working on, a drink and the t.v. remote

On My T.V
wwe wrestling

Listening to:
the furnace run (wondering about heat bill), the fan in my room and the t.v.

On menu this week:
pork cutlets and potatoes
pulled pork and fries
fish and mac n cheese
burgers and tots
chicken and stuffing
eat out
eat at daughters house

To Do List:
work every day this week but Wednesday and Sunday
Kitchen: dishes
Laundry: currently caught up
Bathroom need to deep clean all
My room is a disaster need to get busy cleaning it up
Living Room: looks nice right now but may do a bit more decorating

My simple pleasure
spending time with family

Lesson Learned from Last Week:
sometimes there is not enough time for everything so get done what you really need done or you may simply run out of time

Looking around the house:
it is not exactly like Christmas it has been a hard year and while trying to get in mood of Christmas hard to do this year

From The Camera

Bible Verse / Devotional


  1. I was just thinking the same, there doesn't seem to be enough time for anything lately. What a cute picture with Santa :)

    1. thank you very much that is my grand-babies with santa
      thanks for visiting

  2. Some years it really is hard to find the mood to get into the Christmas feeling. I'm sorry you've had a hard year. Hope you feel better in the coming weeks and have a great new year. Also, I hope you are having a great week so far.

  3. thank you for visiting and reading our post, I am sure that all will get better. What he brings us to he will bring us through. Thanks so much visiting


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