Friday, December 30, 2016

5 Minute Organizing

Have you ever wondered what you can do in 5 minutes?? I have an obsession with time and numbers so I often pay attention to how much time it takes me to do things. I thought you might find it interesting as well. One of the excuses used a lot about getting organized is there is not enough time or have you ever heard "when I get time I will..."

So I dare you to time your self for 5 minutes and try: 

Making your bed 

Cleaning old leftovers out of the refrigerator 

Emptying the dishwasher 

Sweeping one room 

Folding a basket of laundry 

Cleaning out your purse 

Doing 5 minutes of dinner prep such as chopping an onion 

Wiping down your bathroom counter and mirror 

Emptying the trash cans and take out the garbage 

If you are like me you may not have hours to do things you need to do but you may have 5 minutes or so. Always have a small project available to work on in your purse or in the car. Waiting time seems to be empty time but with a pen and paper you can plan supper or other plans you need to make. Keep a magazine that you want to look through or clip coupons while waiting in the car or at appointments. 

Talking on the phone to friends or family is something that I do often but while chatting on the phone I am also busy cleaning house or doing something else that can easily be done. 

Use your 5 minute timer and see what you can get done. Perhaps this is the trick you have been looking for Not only a time filler but a way to help you get clean and organized as well.

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