Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Have a Grateful Heart

Having a Grateful heart is not always easy. It is something that at times takes work at reminding ourselves to be thankful for all we have. We do not always take time to look around at all that we have in our lives that we should be thankful for. In our fast paced world where things change from one moment to the next life happens fast. When illness, job loss or issues with our children enter our worlds suddenly our world seems to slow down. For a time we realize all that we have to be thankful for and look above to our Heavenly Father. We realize that while there are those that are some better off than we are there are also many that may not have what we do. I do not want it to take something happening in life to leave me feeling grateful. 

Things that I feel grateful for are my families. Yes I said families, the one I was born into, the family that me and my husband has molded and the family at work. Each of these families offer me hope, and love.

Grateful for my friends. I have many friends from my early childhood days that I get to talk to quite often and I am grateful that our friendship has lasted that long. I am grateful for friends that I have met through work that share the same heart as myself to care for others. I am also grateful for all those that believe as I do, that pray for me and my family.

Grateful for my home, while it is not as well off as others it is mine. It is a house that along with my husband we own and that we love enough to fix it. With patches and love our home will be here to be a roof over our heads, my childrens head, my grandkids and anyone who needs a place to stay.

Grateful for living daily life that I am able to look around and see all that there is to be thankful for. From the food that we eat, to the chair that we sit in there is so much to be thankful for. I am thankful that I have had a job and that my employer cares about me, my family and those that we care for 

Most of all I am grateful for God, his love and compassion for us all. I am grateful for the word that he provided to us through the bible. I am grateful for the freedom to attend the church of my choice. I am grateful that no matter my past my God knows me all about me and still loves me and calls me his own.

So here at this time of Thanksgiving I suggest to you why not look in your life and see what all you have to be thankful for. Perhaps you may want to make a list, keep that list for a while add to the list as you travel through life.

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