Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Go Cubs Go

I truly hope so. Being a life long Cubs fan I hope this will be the year. It if it i not I know that I will be back along with my son to cheer them on again. We are not the only member of the family that would love to see them win. I hope that it is  true that there are holes in the floor of heaven and my daddy is sitting up there watching as they play in the 7th game of the World Season.

My dad was a large fan of Lee Smith. Smith a relief pitcher for the cubs was one of the many players my dad respected. Just watching the game kept you a fan, win or lose they were the team we cheered for. My youngest son has been a fan of Chicago Cubs since he was a little boy. He loved the Cubs and baseball as much as anything else and as we watch the game I get the darndest pleasure watching him cheer for the team my dad cheered on so many years ago. My dad was never able to see the Cubs win or on that point enter the world series but they were his team. This year I hope that they can both get a kick out of watching their cherished team win

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome 7th game! I grew up in Chicago. Moved to California when I was 38 years old. I was never into baseball but I am thrilled for the Cubs!


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