Saturday, October 22, 2016

This Halloween Go Teal

Halloween should be a fun time for all children. There are children with allergies that will not be able to play along with trick or treat as many others will. The reason is because of food allergies. If you are like me and want to hand out treats to all children then join in the teal pumpkin project.

Halloween is more than just candy so why not purchase some little prizes and pass them out on trick or treat night?? If you do want to pass out candy and yet want to purchase some that are good here are a few candy ideas that will help those with nut allergies:

hershey kisses, the same old kisses milk chocolate that we grew up with. Not all may be safe so please be sure that you hand out only the original milk chocolate hershey kisses. Hershey is a great company about labeling chocolates that may have been cross-contaminated with nut or other allergies. 

Rolos candies are caramel filled chocolates and also produced by Hershey. Again they are nut allergy but check the package to ensure

Toodsie Rolls again another company that does a great job of labeling. Tootsie rolls come in a great variety of shape and sizes. They also come in non-chocolate variety and pops as well. 

Skittles and starburst is a great company that provides safe holiday them options. Join in on the candy corn fun as well with starburst fruit flavored candy corn 

Dum-Dum suckers are a treat that we keep on hand often. The safe candy to hand out to the kids as well keep for awards. The dum-dum company is very allergy friendly in its labeling and say on the packaging that dum-dums do not contain fish, shellfish, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, milk, wheat or gluten. Ensure to read the label as the company also notes that some are packaged in areas that may not be safe. 

Smarties is one of my children's favorites. They are labeled to advertise that it is free of milk, egg, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat and soy. The company's allergen statement also shares that the candy is safe to eat for kids with peanut allergies. 

So why not take the challenge of the Teal Pumpkin this year. We will:

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