Monday, October 10, 2016

Indian Summer

Indian Summer is a period of unseasonably warm, dry weather that occurs in autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. The U.S. National Weather Service defines this as weather conditions that are sunny and clear with above normal temperatures, occurring late September to mid November Indian Summer normally occurs after a killing frost. 

The term Indian Summer has been found to be used as early as 1778 in a letter by a Frenchman. 
Indian Summer was first noted in regions inhabited by Native American or Indians. The Native Americans also described it to Europeans when speaking of the warm and hazy conditions in autumn when Native Americans hunted. 

Indian Summer is one of my favorite times of year. The beauty with warm days and cool nights are perfect for bonfires and enjoying friends as well. 


  1. Couldn't agree more. Warm days with cool nights is the best for sure and the pics look pretty terrific too.

    1. have to enjoy days like that. I love to visit craft fairs and sit by bonfires on the weekend evenings in Indian Summer thanks for your visit and comment glad we agreed

  2. Yup, it's like this in Texas right now!

    1. Here in Illinois we have been enjoying it as well but soon we will get a lot cooler. How cold does it get where you are at
      thanks for stopping and leaving a comment

  3. It's my favorite time of year. I love the fall foilage and gorgeous sunsets. With living in Indiana, I'm loving that the warm weather is still hanging on, this year.

    1. oh yes we live rather near part of Indiana WHere we are we are in southern illinois close to missouri , kentucky and indiana. Yes it is truly beautiful
      thanks for stopping by

  4. Replies
    1. thank you for your visit, and your sweet comment

  5. I'm loving our weather too! Those pictures are so pretty, we don't see much color her in Southern California.

  6. Fall is a very beautiful time of year

  7. wow the photos are really great!

  8. I hear before of the term Indian summer, but honestly did not know what it really meant! So glad I now know!

  9. I think it's amazing, it's nice that they have this kind of weather in the middle of Autumn. It's lovely to have this kind of weather and just enjoy being able to go outside and stay in during the night. I love the colors!

  10. That's a pretty awesome story for the origin of the term. I would love to experience this season. Fall is normally spent somewhere cold and this would be a nice change to that.

  11. These are my favorite days as well. We can still enjoy a boat ride, but don't get too hot.

  12. When I went home to NJ a few weeks ago we had the chance to bonfire. While I'm not a fan of cooler weather, it was fun to hang out with friends I hadn't seen in awhile.

  13. I love Indian summer too! This is a very romantic time of the year.

  14. I love anything related to Native Americans. This nice tidbit about Indian Summer makes me want to go out in the western wild.

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