Monday, October 3, 2016

Corn IS Octobers Whole Grain

October whole grain of the month is Corn. I think they made a great choice. Here at home our corn in the field looks a lot like this

Now some of this corn will be feed corn for the animals. Some may go towards other products and some of this corn is delicious sweet corn. The benefit of sweet corn is numerous:

Sweet corn health benefits include reducing the risk of various cardiovascular diseases
reduce cholesterol absorption in the body
great rich source of vitamins and minerals
sweet corn can help maintain good vision and skin
Sweet corn can help control diabetes and hypertension
corn can help reduce the risk of both hemorrhoids and colon cancer
Sweet corn helps improve bone strength as well as boost immune systems

To cook sweet corn prepare it using one of these great methods:


  1. I love corn. I can eat it anyway its cooked.

    1. yes me to always enjoying it the way we love it and looking for new ways to prepare corn as well thanks for stopping by and leaving a message

  2. love corn! corn on the cob is my favorite!


    1. you have that right after all I am a country girl and what country girl does not like corn on cob
      thanks for your visit and comment

  3. Replies
    1. oh wow, corn is a grain but not one you may think of a lot. It is a grain that a lot in Illinois farmers raise

  4. I didn't know that corn was even a grain!


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