Thursday, October 6, 2016

Carrot Ginger Cider

Carrot Ginger Cider

4 of your favorite types of apple (green apples contain the least amount of sugar while red apples contain the most antioxidants) 
2 large carrots
1 sprig parsley
1/2 teaspoon ginger root
1/2 tray of frozen apple cider cubes (this must be done at least 2 hours prior)

After thoroughly washing your apples, carrots, parsley and ginger ~ chop them up. I juiced all of the above ingredients, but you can also add them to your blender for a thicker treat…just blend it all up real nice!
Benefits of this drink are many. Carrots are one of the healthiest foods packed with powerful amounts of vitamins, minerals and macro-nutrients. Carrot juices has been proven to improve eyesight, decrease cancer cells, regulate blood sugar, hydrate skin, improve liver function, promote lung quality and improve digestion. It is a wonderful pick-me up. 
When it comes to apples you can juice the whole entire thing. The stem, skin, flesh and all. Apple peels have the power to decrease asthma and strengthen the heart. Apples are also loaded with anti-inflammatory agents, antioxidants and lots of fiber.
Parsley is great for the gallbladder and is also a diuretic. It helps to perk up the adrenal glands and adds magnesium, potassium and calcium. It also offers beta carotene, vitamin C and K. 
Ginger is one ingredient that is need not have a lot because a little goes a long way. Adding ginger to the drink improves the absorption of essential nutrients and helps the digestive enzymes. Ginger helps with nausea, cramps, joint pain, sore throat, congestion and is also an aphrodisiac.  
recipe source here

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