Sunday, September 25, 2016

Have You Ever Tried: Spaghetti Squash

What you need:
- squash
- olive oil
- salt/pepper
- foil

The first thing you need to do is cut the top off of your squash, and then cut it down the middle. Our squash was really really hard - I had to have my husband cut it! Even he struggled with it!
Then you want to scoop out all of the seeds and guts.
Brush a layer of olive oil over each half.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
I cut my foil to be long so that I would be able to wrap it around my squash halves.
Wrap your foil loosely around your squash halves.
Bake at 375 for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, un-cover your squash and bake it again for 10-15 more minutes. Our squash was really hard, so we popped it in for an extra 8 minutes.

Use a fork to shred your squash into 'noodles'.
Top with sauce and serve!
My thoughts:
I thought it was pretty good. The texture is different than spaghetti but the taste is not bad. The squash taste did not come through and that was a good thing. I believe we will try this again for a few more times. It takes at least 4 times to get it into meal rotation at our house.

thinking outside the pot


  1. I have had it and loved it. I need to buy it again. I've seen some recipes where you cook it and then cut it. It was so hard to cut, thought I would cut myself!

    1. does it not seem that way for many recipes there is more than one way of cooking. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment

  2. The first time I had it, I had to get use to the texture. However, its not bad and healthier than noodles!

    Ashton | Instagram

    1. great for someone to stay on a healthy diet thanks for stopping by and leaving a great comment

  3. So, I was eyeing the Spaghetti Squash at the grocery store last week and then decided not to buy it, as I had never had it before and didn't know how to prepare it. This week, I may grab me one and give this recipe a try. It looks soooooo delicious!
    Visiting from the Family Joy link up.
    Happy Sunday.

    1. thanks so much for stopping by and yes you should try this out I love trying new things and my kids do as well. I really appreciate you coming by and leaving a comment


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