Monday, August 22, 2016

Keep It Clean

My mother always used to say to clean up as you go. Don't worry if every thing is not perfect. It really does not matter as there is a family that lives in that house. I followed her ruling and have passed it down to my children as well. Now my mother was serious and sadly was not a good homemaker and did not worry about it. For years I worried about how my home looked and had to have it perfectly daily. The truth is though if we follow a few easy steps it will be easy to keep our homes looking good

First thing in the morning, make your bed. This will help break the temptation of wanting to get back in it. It will also be one chore out of the way. Once a week I wash the sheets and blankets in our home. So if it is the day to wash the sheets strip the bed as soon as you get out of bed and take them to the laundry area. This will help remind you that the chore needs done

Everyone even small ones can help clean up after their self. The bathroom is a prime area to do just this. Each time they shower make sure that they spritz and wipe the area, pick up dirty towels and clothes and leaves the area as nice as when they came in. Yes this really can help the more they do it the better it will be.

The kitchen our house may be the largest area that gets messy. Easy way to keep it clean will be to clean up, wipe up and keep space clean as you cook. Keep a sink of soapy water so that you can wash cooking areas as well as dishes as they become dirty.

Happy Cleaning.

shared at
monday musings

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