Thursday, June 2, 2016

Leftover Chicken Idea

Summer time is always a very busy time for our entire family. Going here and there and never quite sure where we will be next. Today is national day for celebrating rotisserie chicken. With rotisserie chicken being easily found at your local place for buying groceries and I have even seen them for sale at gas stations. So instead of sharing a great how to create a rotisserie chicken I will share a recipe on how to use the leftover chicken meat.

Chicken Nachos
1 rotisserie chicken
1 package of tortilla chips
2 cups of cheddar cheese
1/4 cup of sour cream
1/4 cup of salsa
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spread tortilla chips in one layer across a cookie sheet. Remove and discard the chicken skin. Shred the chicken into bite-sized chunks. Layer the chicken on top of the tortilla chips, and cover the chips with a layer of cheese. Bake until the cheese is melted, about 10 minutes. Serve with sour cream and salsa on the side.
You can add different ingredients to spice up this dish, such as black olives, jalapeno peppers, onions, and tomatoes.
recipe source Here 

shared at
Artsy Fartsy
Thriving on Thursday

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angie. Lovely of you to join us at Thriving on Thursdays last week here in Australia. I'm so glad you shared this because it's one of my family's favourite nachos combinations. I'm featuring this recipe at tomorrow's party. Hope to see you again sometime.

    Anne @ Domesblissity


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