Thursday, June 2, 2016

Everyone Has To Have Rules

So did you attend a cook out this past weekend?? It most likely is the first of many to come this summer. Our family often has cookouts and we have a large family so you can well imagine that our cookouts are large as well. I recently saw this short list of Rules for attending a cookout. I really like them I will try to share the list in my own way.

Rules for attending a cookout. 
If you are not invited then don't show up. I don't know about you but when I plan a cookout I plan on who will be there. The number there depends on how much food I shop for and prepare. So if extras show up the number of plates goes up.
Always ask do I need to bring anything. This is always a great gesture. I may or may not ask you to bring something but just the asking part delights me the host of the event. If you do bring something I would prefer you to bring it in a dish that you can simply leave and not have returned. This is what I often serve my dishes in as well. There is quite a variety of dishes to use and leave that it should be easy task.
There are times that I send food home with my guest but normally if there are leftovers they will be served as planned leftovers. I have one daughter in law that takes care of her parents and under that condition it is understandable for her to take them home a plate. 
I have rules that I follow at my house I believe you should follow these rules as well. It is a matter of respect. I realize children will be children and as a mother of 6 I understand how they get excited and throw tantrums as well. They are your children you are responsible to watch your children. I do appreciate hugs but I am not babysitting at my own party
Please follow rules on smoking whether it be in a certian area or simply outside the house The rules are the rules.
There has always been a rule at our house when dipping plates. The rule is take a bit of whatever you want leave some for the guys behind you and come back if you want more. Enjoy the food take what you want brands, who made it and the rest can be kept secret you see the party eats are exactly that to be eaten and enjoyed not discussed. 

what do you all think?? Do you agree?? what are your rules


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