Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Elderly Abuse

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day started in 2006. This year June 15, 2016 is the 10th anniversary of the holiday. The purpose of WEAAD provides an opportunity for communities around the world to promote a better understanding of abuse and neglect of older individuals. Awareness of cultural, social, economic, and demographic processes affecting elder abuse and neglect.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day supports the United Nations International Plan of Action. They acknowledging the significance of elder abuse as a public health and human rights issue. WEADD serves as a call to action for individuals, organizations, and communities to raise awareness about Elder Abuse, neglect and explotation.

You can get involved as well. Here is a short list to keep in mind to help protect those that protected us once

Be aware of signs of elder abuse
bruises or grip marks
repeated unexplained injuries
dismissive attitude about injuries

lack of food and water
lack of basic hygiene
sunken eyes or loss of weight

uncommunicative and unresponsive
unreasonably fearful or suspicious
lack of interest in social contact
unexplained changes in behavior

records of what they have and what they should have do not match
large withdraws from bank account
signature on check does not match signature of elerly person

Be sure to keep in contact with the elderly. Make sure they have plenty of water and are doing ok

caring for an elderly loved one can get over whelming. Offef the resident a break while you visit  and care for the loved one.

If you ever believe that abuse is on going do not be afraid to contact authorities. If you know of abuse and do nothing you are guilty of abuse as well.

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a little bit of everything


  1. and sadly it happens more to our elderly population than most are willing to admit...

  2. Such a worthy post, thanks for raising awareness by posting it! I wasn't even aware this day existed.

  3. Heisann! On Thursday last week I was a sensor for some eighteen years old students who should have their exam in Entrepreneurship.... and I asked one of them: What do you mean when you say elderly people? He run out of answer...
    Being old has nothing to do with age ... this is a rewrite of the statement that being young has nothing to do with age!
    So let´s be there for those who need support and company ;:OD)

  4. I did not know there was such a day for this, but I am glad. This happens all way to often, and many people don't know about it!

  5. I cannot believe that I forgot. I didn't really forgot just didn't realize that it was already the 15th. Elder abuse is never okay. Great post. Pinning

  6. Thank you for sharing this, it is such and important topic. It makes me sad that so many of our elders are abused, many by their own family members.

  7. Oh, this is so sad. I have a grandma but I can't imagine of abusing her. Elders should be loved.

  8. This is so sad. I hate thinking of the elderly getting abused. The elderly should be first on our minds.

  9. it sucks that this happens to anyone. we need to take care of everyone.

  10. I haven't heard of this organization before, but I am glad you shared this. There should not be elderly abuse happening at all. That is a shame that people are hurting elderly folks.

  11. It is a sad world we are living in! My mom still lives on her own but I just hope and pray I can take care of her if she becomes fragile.

  12. Thank you for this post. This is very interesting information for me.


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