Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Adopt A Cat Month

The other day while talking to my daughter we heard a odd noise. The noise sounded like a soft cry. Then we heard a very soft meow. It seems that the cat that runs the neighborhood but belongs to no one has had baby kittens under the floor of our house. Not sure yet what to do with the kittens I am hoping that when they are weened we will be able to adopt them out. I feel a bit responsible because they are at our house. This type of story will repeat itself in many different areas. In fact during the spring season or kitten season as many shelters have known it there will be many newborn kittens to join the growing number of cats already in shelters. Many will be cared for by foster homes but there will be many more than that. The American Humane Association has deemed June as Adopt A Cat Month. The hope is to find permanent homes for these cats. 

There are way to many cats living in shelters. The growing number of foster homes helps but there is still a need for help. Cat lovers like me are not sure what to do and we feel a bit overwhelmed.  There is no doubt that every cat will find a home but there is hope for many. You can get involved as well. 
Adopt: If you are able to care for a cat consider adopting one. You can visit your local shelter or rescue group. You may just find a life long friend. 
Donate: there is always a need for money to care for the cats Find out if your local shelter or rescue group has a wanted list of supplies that they need. 
Volunteer: Visit your local shelter to see what you can do to socialize with the cats. Consider becoming a foster parent. There may be events to draw awareness to adoption that you can volunteer to help with .

Consider helping out maybe one of the best ways is to get the word out. Some times there are those looking for a pet but have no idea where to look. 

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