Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I love you this much

We all consider our children awesome. As a proud mom and nana I have to say that our children make mistakes but for the most part are incredible. I am sure yours are as well but I am the author of this blog and therefore will talk about my children only. If you have a blog it would be a great day for you to brag about your children or grand-children as well. If you are not a blogger then whip out those pictures and tell everyone how special your children really are. We should always be proud of our babies no matter their age. We are the one that will always be there, sure they make mistakes in their lives but that is to be expected. It is up to us to help them find their way.

Let your child know they are incredible to you Here are some great ways to show your love

Offer your child a hug. A hug has many attributes to it and can offer a smile and a change of attitude. Sometimes misbehavior is a way to get attention offer a hug and you may offer a surprise that will send your child on the straight and narrow. Hugs can be given any time of the day in the morning, after school, after homework, before meal, after meal, and best of all bed time.

Even as my children are adults and I now have grand-babies our family still has active family meetings. We started these when the kids were younger and they simply keep us close and in touch with what is going on It does not take a long time to have a meeting, while ours are now over meal times a family meeting in the past could take as little as 20 minutes. These meetings helped our children and keep yours to feel special as they get to share what they think as well. Problems are solved and all learn to get together.

Children have a desire to help. I know that mine often ask to help and they seem so disappointed when you do not have a job they can do. They need and desire to feel needed. Set aside jobs that you can ask for them to help you be specific so that they know what you are looking for. This will leave them feeling needed and loved

Plan out special times to have family fun. It can be a simple reading time or it can be going and doing something. This is their time to be with you and they look forward to it

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