Monday, March 14, 2016

Did You Take A Nap

Feeling a bit tired today?? It's ok I am sure you are not alone. It is napping monday so if you were like many and took a nap then don't worry it was allowed. 

Did you remember to set your clocks up one hour?? While you may be a bit tired, there is one more thing you need to do. You need to remember to check the batteries in your smoke alarms. Working smoke alarms help reduce the chance of dying in a fire by half. 


  1. I actually completely forgot and got up the next morning without even realizing time change had happened for hours! Thanks for coming and seeing me! Hope to see you again soon!

  2. Very wise !! I will keep that in mind !!

  3. I love the saying and I do think it is time the government stopped the Fall back, Spring forward routine. It does make for a tiring week immediately after each incident. I've also read that the Monday following each is also a time of greater heart attacks and car accidents. Yeesh. Time to get rid of it ;-)


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