Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Don't Say He Was Wrong

It was just February the 2nd when old Phil did not see his shadow. This gave us all hope that spring was on its way. The warmer than normal days also helped this out. But could it be that Phil was wrong?? I hope not but in the meantime here is a list of ideas to do inside with the family when it is too cold and snowy to head out there.

1. Pick a show on Netflix and watch an entire season in one day
2. Organize your Grooveshark, Spotify, Pandora, etc. playlists
3. Fold that basket of socks. Throw away all the mismatched ones.
4. Climb a tree
5. Bake muffins. Or cupcakes. Or both.
6. Give yourself a pedicure
7. Build a fire & make s'mores
8. Take a trip to the library and check out books on a new subject
9. Plan a wedding on Pinterest
10. Give silly names to random household appliances & label them
11. Write a letter to someone for no reason, maybe someone who is also suffering from Cabin Fever
12. Start an anonymous blog, post a few times, & see if anyone reads it
13. List unwanted clothes/household items on Craigslist or eBay
14. Create lists. Like this one.
15. Sew/hem clothes that don't fit well
16. Memorize a passage in Scripture (how about Galations 1:4-9?)
17. Photograph "A Day In The Life"
18. Scrapbook
19. Pull a prank
20. Go 4-wheeling
21. Go sledding. You are never too old, I promise you.
22. Prepare a ton of freezer meals for when you're too busy to cook
23. Learn how to play a new card game (Spades, anyone?)
24. Hold a Psych marathon complete with pineapple-themed desserts, snacks, and delicious puddings.
25. Take a nap
26. Have a picnic, inside. Complete with basket & plaid blanket.
27. Assemble a time capsule. Fill a plastic container or coffee can with photos, mementos, & present day items. Hide in a closet & wait until Spring - then bury it!
28. Plan your Spring garden
29. Cover SOMETHING with chalkboard paint
30. Bundle up, & go outside. Then you can...
31...build an igloo
32...have a snowball fight
33...make a snowman
34...venture into the woods and see if you can spot any animal tracks
35. Go to a roller rink & skate till you drop.
36. Do your makeup dramatic for no reason
37. Wrestle a grizzly bear
38. Make or give something...a pie, a pack of stationary, etc...to someone, maybe a neighbor, leave it on their doorstep, ring the doorbell, and run away. 
39. Take a YouTube lesson on self-defense, pilates, or how to play the guitar
40. Drive to a rich neighborhood & gawk at all the massive houses
41. Create a binder full of projects you want to accomplish and use photos from the internet or magazines. Yeah, I know this is what Pinterest is for, but sometimes it's helpful to have something at your fingertips.
42. Build a fort out of blankets. Again, you're never too old for this.
43. Learn to knit or crochet
44. Begin a stockpile of gifts for future use - baby shower, wedding gifts, hostess gifts, etc. 
45....what's else can YOU think of?

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