Sunday, January 10, 2016

Cut Your Energy Costs

Sunday January 10th is National Cut your energy cost day. There is no other day better to look for options to make your home more energy efficient. Saving money is sometimes hard to do one way that it can be done is by taking steps to make your home more energy efficient.

Windows are notorious for letting hot air escape and allowing cold air in. Replacing your old windows with double or triple glazing provides a valuable difference to the home, they help to keep the cold air out and hot air in. Not only will you enjoy the comfort of the home but also see a noticeable difference in your bills.

Replacing exterior doors is also an idea you may want to check into. Old doors are often responsible for large amount of heat loss. To remove the threat of heat going out and cold air creeping in you may want to look into purchasing new doors. When looking for new doors remember to keep in mind security and airtight design.

Not only will making these changes in your home save you a substantial amount of money but they’ll also help protect the environment which is increasingly becoming the victim of climate change.

Are you aware that around 1/4 of the heat in any home escapes through the roof. Insulation is another good investment to put into your home. Loft and wall insulation is something you should look into and will help you cut your energy bills. Homes built before 1990 do not have any wall insulation.

Those that garden may think about investing in a rain barrel. Capturing rain and watering your garden saves money in water bills. Plants often prefer rainwater over tap water

.What do you do to save money on your energy bills?

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