Thursday, December 3, 2015

National Roof Over Your Head Day

December 3rd is set aside by many to be thankful for what you have. Known as National Roof Over Your Head Day it is a holiday that urges one to be thankful for what they have no matter how much it is. While we all may want more than what we have this holiday allows us to be thankful for what we were blessed with.

It is also a great day to give back. There are many that are in need and National Roof Over Your Head Day would be a great day to give back to those less fortunate. So while you are sitting in your home warm and comfortable with supper ready to be cooked take a moment and think about others and what you can give or volunteer your time at.

There are lots of ways you can get the entire family involved in helping others and giving back. Here are a few to offer you some inspiration

You can get together to make some greeting cards. Patients in hospitals or nursing homes welcome mail and visits. Think about creating cards as a family project and including a small prize pack with the cards as well

Christmas Carol at nursing home is not something only open to those with great singing voice. That's the beauty of this idea those who live in the homes really don't care how well you sing but that you came to visit.

Angel Trees are filled with angels with a needy family or child's name. It is up to us who offer to stand up and give back to put smiles on their faces for the holidays. Without volunteers many may go without a present this Christmas

Another great family project is to make a blanket. Its very easy to make a no sew blanket and the gift that it offers is matchless. Whether it goes to someone who simply needs some comfort or someone who needs it to stay warm the blanket will continue to give and be a reminder that someone cared.

Visit the local humane shelter and find out what they need. Is it items or time and either is up to you and a great way to show that you care.

Another great idea is to make gift bags that can be handed out at food banks. A bit of candy is something that some take for granted and others get little of. The gift bags can be small lunch bag size with gift bag items such as pencils, candy etc...

It may not be something that we can all do but get out and work as a family to pick up litter. In some areas this would not be the time of year to do so but in others it is a great way to give back. Cleaning up parks, road sides or where ever help is needed is a great way to show that we care about where we live and visit

There are many great ways out there to show that you care for others find the one that fits you and your family and get out there and do it

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