Wednesday, December 2, 2015

National Mutt Day

In every heart, there is a hole.  In every shelter, there

is love in which to fill it.

National Mutt Day was created in 2005 by Celebrity Pet and Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal welfare advocate Colleen Paige. It is celebrated twice a year on July 31st and December 2nd. National Mutt Day is about embracing, saving and  celebrating mixed breed dogs. The constant over breeding and public desire of designer dogs and pure bred puppies is the main reason for the euthanized dogs.
National Mutt Day raises awareness of the mixed breed dog population in shelters around the nation and also to educate the public about the sea of mixed breed dogs desperately seeking new homes. Mixed breed dogs are often healthier, better behaved, live longer and are just as able to perform the duties of any dog. The most famous mixed breed movie dog is Benji.
You can help by visiting your local shelter and find a new friend today. If you are unable to adopt a mixed breed dog then consider making a $5 donation to your local animal shelter. Another great way to help out is to help walk a dog, donate food or supplies. 


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