Monday, December 21, 2015

In my back yard*

 Recently I shared with you about the great Christmas bird hunt. The goal is to find out how birds are migrating and keep tract of the health of bird as well. I thought I would share about a bird that you can find in my backyard many days
The bluejay is a fairly common song bird. Larger in size than other song birds but smaller in statue than a crow. Wears a headdress like no other, a perky crest with blue, white and black. The bluejay is a rather noisy bird with a load call. However, they fly silently when traveling and migrating.
Many consider the blue jay intelligent birds with a complex social system where the family structure is tight. Blue Jays while eating can store food in their throat pouch to save for later or take somewhere else. Blue jays have been credited for helping to spread oak trees because of their love for acorns. When eating the bluejay will hold a seed or nut in feet and peck it open
Blue jay make their homes at the forest edge near oak trees They can also commonly be found in woodlots, towns, and in city parks.
 Blue Jays are birds of forest edges. A favorite food is acorns, and they are often found near oaks, in forests, woodlots, towns, cities, parks.


  1. That is a pretty bird. I don't think we have those around here.

  2. The bluejay is a beautiful bird, I haven't seen one here in the UK, I must look out for one x

  3. I love the color of bluejay! What an amazing bird!

  4. They're such pretty birds! I don't see them too often around here, but I don't have oak trees. :(

  5. A student of mine was doing an assignment on that bird and that was the first time I heard about them

  6. We dont have those here in New Mexico. We have a lot of sparrows

  7. I believe we have one like this but with red coloring that likes to hang out in our tree in the back yard. Obviously its not a bluejay, but still very pretty in color.

  8. bluejays are my favorite of birds. they are so pretty

  9. I Love bluejays, thanks for sharing!

  10. That bird is so lovely! Just look at its stance, so majestic!

  11. Aw blue jays are beautiful makes me feel tranquil x

  12. What a beautiful bird - I have never seen one before, Kaz :)

  13. Not much of a bird watcher am I but that is a beautiful bird! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  14. Awww awesome looking bird. Now much of a bird watcher wither so I salute you. What a capture. they dont usually stay in one place to have it taken!

  15. I've always thought that blue jays were a very interesting bird. I knew someone who was lucky to have a pair of blue jays raising their babies in her yard! She climbed up to the nest using a ladder and got some stunning pictures of their nest.

  16. Wow! I cant believe a bird as beautiful as this can actually be in your backyard!

  17. We have plenty of bluejays here in Tampa. Seeing them in the picture brings out the details.

  18. Those are beautiful birds, wish I could see one up close...


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