Sunday, December 27, 2015

Almost In My Backyard

Recently I shared with you about the great Christmas bird hunt. The goal is to find out how birds are migrating and keep tract of the health of bird as well. I thought I would share about a bird that you can find in my backyard many days

While goose hunting is a fairly popular sport here in southern Illinois. White Fronted Geese are still popular birds in our area. While not seen in my back yard they are often seen flying over head or at near by water ways.

Both female and male geese are similar in size around 27 to 30 inches tall. They appear gray or brown in color with their heads often being a darker brown head and neck. Orange legs and feet and a bill that is pinkish colored with a white base. Their bellies feature irregular dark bands on their bellies. with a white line that separates wings and belly.

The geese are found on coastal and inland wetlands and fields. They often breed on marshy tundra areas Around 5 to 6 cream colored eggs are laid and in about 23 to 25 days the eggs hatch.


  1. I can always hear them when they're flying by in groups. They are such loud birds with their honking!

    1. yes, we always look up and really enjoy their passing by

  2. There are always geese along the parkways where I live. They can also be found in parks and golf courses etc etc etc. I love to gaze at them after the babies are born and are following the "babysitter".

    1. yes we have them at our local park and so very fun to watch the mother ducks bring out their babies

  3. Lots of Geese in our Local Sefton Park with a Man made lake. They are also a few at the Docks by the River. They do honk loud. Doesnt bother me tho as we dont live close to the park or river to be affected by the noise!

    1. we have them in our local park at our lagoon as well I love to watch them and feed them with the kds

  4. My daughter was obsessed with geese as a baby. My son also likes geese now. I like to point out the migrating geese when they fly over our house.

  5. We have Geese here tons of them but they are Canadian geese. I don't think I've ever seen these ones before. My kids love watching them fly around but they are not nice little birds! - Jeanine

    1. lol, my grandmother had Canadian geese and you are right they can be very naughty

  6. We've had more geese than normal this year. The city is even looking at ways to get rid of them!

    1. wow do they know why there are so many unwelcome guest

  7. I am terrified of birds, so this is nor my favorite post LOL But it does make me grateful that we don't have geese near our house - only ducks :)

    1. I have a friend scared of birds I am only scared when they get in the house where they do not belong that is a sign of bad luck or so I have been told

  8. I love looking at geese... but our local honkers block the road and chase people. LOL!

  9. We live in a big city and I haven't seen any geese in our parks so far. But when we go to a picnic near the water reservoir, we have seen a lot of them.


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