Monday, November 30, 2015

Self Injury Awareness Day

November 30th is Self Injury Awareness Day. You may have seen others wearing orange ribbons, write "LOVE" on their arms, draw a butterfly on their wrists or wear braided wrist bands. All of these were to draw awareness to this often silent act. The act of self harm can be anything that one does to harm their self.

I was very surprised when I first heard about someone cutting their self, who would do that? I could not imagine it as the thought of pain makes me stop anything that would cause it. Yet, I learned that is exactly why others cut their selves to escape the pain and hurt that they feel. The stressful environment that some live in has no way out so believe it or not cutting is a way to escape for they can control it.

We can support these loved ones by reminding them they are important and being there for them. Sounds simple but this is not always the case. Remember they may be struggling with depression or anxiety and not truly believe you. Just keep on keeping on and remind them that you do love them.

shared at
Mommy Monday Blog Hop
Motivational Monday

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