Thursday, September 3, 2015


MADD recently celebrated its 35th birthday. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) was founded by a mother whose daughter was killed by a drunk driver. I first heard about MADD my freshmen year of highschool when a teacher thought enough about her students to have a leader come in and talk to us about drinking and driving and drinking under the age. That was more than 20 years ago but the information shared was something I will never forget.

MADD recently celebrated their many years by creating a future for NO MORE VICTIMS. The largest nonprofit group working to end drunk driving and help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these crimes and prevent underage drinking. There is no charge for the help that MADD offers. The group serves one person every ten minutes through local MADD victim advocates and at 1-877-MADD HELP. The goal is to eliminate drunk driving through increased law enforcement, all offender ignition interlock laws and advanced vehicle technology.

Having lost family members in car wrecks caused by other drivers who were under the influence I am very much aware of the loss that occurs when this happens. I have preached to my own children to never drink and drive and if you ever find your self in a situation where you need a ride all you have to do is call and I will be there to take you home , no questions at that time just a safe ride home. The same goes to my friends I am there if they need help as well. Recently, however when one of my children's friends went out on their own and drove under influence and had a wreck I was proud of my children who told him all about how wrong it was and what I would think. He found out that I did not like it but I was not the worst thing that happened. He faced trials, jury, insurance hike, probation, community service and so much more including a visit with the MADD official in our area.

Remember to drive sober or face the consequences. To hear stories of those that have faced nights like the one I did but were not as lucky as our friend you can visit the MADD website.

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