Saturday, September 5, 2015

Greene Chile and Cheese Egg Muffins

During back to school time, weekends become even more family friendly around here. During the week everyone is busy with work, homework, early evenings and so much more going on. So when Friday night comes our family travels to the family football game together and the weekend begins. Saturday and Sunday morning will find us dining out as a family or sharing a brunch together. This recipe for green Chile and cheese egg muffins would be so good and delicious the entire family would love. I hop you take some time this weekend, enjoy your family and enjoy some good food

Green Chile and Cheese Egg Muffins
makes 12 egg mcmuffins

12 eggs
one 4 oz. can diced green chiles (or use half the can if you want them less spicy, but now I always use the whole can; be sure to use Anaheim chiles, not jalapenos)
about 1 1/2  cups grated low-fat cheese (I use Four Cheese Mexican Blend)
2 T half and half, or milk (optional, now I rarely use this)
1 tsp. Spike Seasoning (optional, but recommended; f you don't have Spike use your favorite multi-purpose seasoning.)
salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 375F/190C.  Spray silicone muffin pans or individual silicone baking cups with nonstick spray.  (You can also use 2 paper muffin liners sprayed with non-stick spray but the silicone pan or muffin cups work much better.)  In each muffin cup put a very generous pinch of grated cheese. The muffin cup should be about 2/3 full of cheese before you put the egg in.
Break eggs into bowl, add milk or half and half  if using, and beat until egg whites and yolks are well combined. Add spices and green chiles with juice and mix into eggs.
Pour egg mixture over cheese so each muffin cup liner is full to the brim. (This usually takes two pourings as the egg mixture settles over the cheese. Be sure they are as full as you can get them, but not running over the side.) I like to take a fork and gently "stir" in each muffin cup to get the cheese evenly distributed in the egg.
Bake 375 for about 35 minutes, or until all muffins are puffed up and the top is starting to brown.  (I usually start checking them and rotate the pan after 25 minutes.)
Egg muffins will keep in the fridge for at least a week.  To reheat, put on small plate and microwave for 1-2 minutes.  (Don't microwave too long or they get rubbery!)

recipe source here

shared here
Pieced Past Times  Its Overflowing  Crafts A La Mode  A Little Claireification  Designed Décor  Be Different Act Normal  Made From Pinterest Or So She Says... Tumbleweed Contessa  simple saturday


  1. My son is eating gluten free, so this is a great post for me right now. I especially like the reheating instructions. I had wanted to make a batch of muffins like this, but wasn't sure if they'd reheat well.

    1. thank you for leaving such a kind comment, our daughter is also on a gluten free diet. We love to share recipes here and will often share gluten free recipes here as well. thanks again for stopping by

  2. Looks so tasty and easy to put together. Love it.

    1. thank you for visiting our blog hadia, nice of you to leave a blog. yes it was a great recipe which is what we love to share here . Hope you give it a try and enjoy


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