Friday, September 18, 2015

Cancer Is Not Prejudice

Cancer is not Prejudice. It treats all equal and destroys and interrupts lives of all those affected. September is a month where awareness is drawn to cancer and those who are in search of a cure and all those that have had their lives affected by Cancer. Cancer does not make a difference treating each gender equal as well. With ovarian and prostate cancer affecting both men and women

The prostate gland is found in men just below the bladder and directly in front of the rectum. The prostate holds the urethra of a man and also helps make some of the male hormone. The prostate grows in men as they age because of hormones. All growth in the prostate is not cancer and can also be a condition known as BPH. BPH can be treated with drugs or surgery.

There are several types of cells in the prostate but nearly all cancers start in the gland cells. Some prostate cancers can start, grow and spread quickly. Most of the time, prostate cancer grows slowly and some may never know they had prostate cancer until it is too late. The risk of prostate cancer increases as men age, if a family member was also diagnosed with prostate cancer (this increases if diagnosis was made early), the diet of red meat and dairy also increases risk, and being over weight. There are a few other risk factors such as smoking, being a fire fighter, std's and vasectomies.

The American cancer Societies says that approximately 220,800 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed this year. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer found in American men, other than skin cancer. One man in seven will be diagnosed in his lifetime. The second leading cause of cancer death in men prostate cancer will take about 1 in 38 lives of men. Most men do not die from it.

Prostate cancer first presents itself with no symptoms. A blood test that screens blood for PSA can find the cancer as well as a digital rectal exam. Symptoms include having trouble urinating, keeping or having an erection, blood in the urine, pain in the spine, hips, ribs or other bones, weekness or numbness in legs or feet or loss of bladder or bowel control.


Ovarian cancer is a disease that starts when malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the ovaries. Ovaries are small, almond shaped organs located in a woman one on each side of the uterus. Ovaries are used to store eggs and also produce female hormone estrogen and progesterone. The cancer cells begin to grow out of control and form tumors.

There are many types of tumors that can start in the ovaries. Not all of them are cancerous some may in fact be benign or noncancerous. These benign tumors can be cured by removing one ovary or part of the ovary to remove the tumor. Treatment of ovarian cancer depends on how far it has spread before diagnoses.

Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer related deaths of women between ages 35 and 74. One in every 75 women will develop ovarian cancer during their lifetime. The American cancer society estimates around 22,000 new cases of ovarian cancer will be diagnosed this year. early diagnosis and treatment are important. When diagnosed and treated in the earliest stage a 5 year survival rate is 90%. However, because of the non-specific symptoms of ovarian cancer and lack of early detection tests only 19% of all cases are found in early stage. Cancer caught in stage III or higher survival rate is as low as 30.6%.


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