Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Time Goes By So Fast

There are just so many years that we have before our children are grown. We hold them in our harms for just a while and then we let them go on their own and they stay in our hearts and memories forever. It is very important that during the years that we have them that we do all we can to create wonderful and loving memories. Here are some Ideas for making those memories awesome

I often took our children to be part of what was going on. We volunteered to help serve meals to those who needed them. We volunteered to help re-roof a home. We volunteered on the mission field at church. We collected cans for food donations. We even took trips to volunteer and have a bit of fun as well. These are just a few ideas of what our family did there are so many ways to get involved and help others

Participate in Sports
While I myself am not the most athletic  person I have volunteered to help coach more than one of my children's little league teams. I know just a bit crazy but I did do it and it was awesome. If you do not think you can coach then there are other things that you can do when your child participates. Be on the sidelines and cheer the team on, volunteer in the dugout, buy snacks, join in wherever needed.

Plant a Garden
grow your own garden, plant some flowers, or even just a few tomato plants in a pot will help make memories. Right now we have a pumpkin vine, voluntarily came up, we have been watching all summer and now have green pumpkins on it. When the kids were younger we planted tomatoes, cucumbers and a few other plants and made a salad out of what we grew. The most tasty salad and while other salads are not remembered I must say that that one was

Bake Cookies
 My mother baked cookies for me and my siblings, I baked cookies for my kids and now my daughter bakes cookies for her kids. This is a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. The one thing that we do is make sure that we involved our children and allow them to help when they are little. As the kids got older we then became the helpers and helped them to make their own cookies and after a while they were old enough to bake their own. Cookies are not the only thing that we baked or cooked together. my children have been involved in the kitchen and cooking since they were around 3 or 4 years old. My grandkids now help out.

Doing it together is the most important part. No matter what you do , do it as a family. Time spent together is never idol time and always makes great memories. What does your family do to make memories?

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