Monday, August 17, 2015

National Thrift Store Day makes Me Happy

August is admit you are happy month. Yes there are many things that make me happy, my family, my job singing and working on my blog all make the list of things that make me happy. One thing you all may not know about me is that I love to thrift. Today, august 17 is national thrift store day. So add thrifting to the list of things I love to do.

I would consider myself in the 39% that thrift at least one time a month. In my case it is about once a week or maybe more if I have the time. Yes, it is very cost effective I consider it a form of entertainment and love to see what all I can find. In our shopping cart you may find something for a family member (especially grand babies), something to resale or something for the house.

Do you like to shop at thrift stores? What do you shop for? Does thrifting make you happy??

1 comment:

  1. I love thrift shopping and garage sales. I am a total book junkie, always looking for books and then the other thing is kitchen stuff.


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