Friday, August 21, 2015

Game Time

Tonight is the first football game of the season. It will be so fun, great time to get together with family and friends. We love football from the littlest level to the pros. We also love to host parties. I believe the two go together well. Here are a few party ideas

Taco Bar:

simply mix up some ground beef or chicken, setting out some taco shells or tortilla chips, as well as taco toppings will allow you to prepare before the game and enjoy the company as well.

Hot Dog Bar:

Grill the franks or brats and keep warm in a crockpot. Set out the buns and set the toppings out so guest can serve themselves.

Potato Bar:

Bake a batch of potatoes and wrap them in foil to keep them warm. They can simply be unwrapped and warm up in microwave if they cool off. Set toppings such as chili, shredded cheese, green onions, butter, salsa, bacon bits, and sour cream out so guest can serve them selves.

shared at
made from pinterest


  1. I love these ideas. We have my son's 1st birthday coming up, so this would be great for the adults for a more autumnal buffet! Thanks for linking up to #SuperparentSaturday

  2. exactly, first birthdays are always super fun. You all should have lots of fun, I think the ideas I shared will allow you to enjoy your sons birthday, visit with friends and family and simply have a good time
    thanks for the comment

  3. Thanks so much for sharing with us at #JoyHopeLive!


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