Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Family Fun: Road Trip

As the summer days of freedom start to depart we begin to get a bit worried about getting everything we can out of summer. Back to school time starts to signal  that the last warm weather family event is soon to depart. Our family always takes a road trip in the early months of fall. It is something to look forward to after having to adjust to the activity involved with back to school. There are a few of our family members that do not like the heat as well and breathe easier in the cooler weather. Want to plan a fall family trip with your family this year?? Keep in mind a few tips

Plan your trip, plan the route you will take and try to decide where you will need to stop. We travel with young children who can travel quite a bit but may need more breaks than older children or adults. Take a look at what restaurants, diners, or stops are on your way there. Remember we will all have stories to take back home with us why not make it some cool stops along the way??

Keep some activities in the car for the passengers both old and younger ones. Books, colors, stickers, small toys, hand held games even a pillow will make for happier passengers. Entertainment in the form of music or if you are lucky enough dvd's. These will help keep the little ones entertained during the ride which makes it easier for all to have a great time.
Make the trip educational. If your child is old enough to read, allow them to follow along on the map. Another great idea is to play car bingos where you look for different objects. Another car game that we loved to play was simply counting cars, everyone chose a color and we kept track of the cars that passed that were in our chosen color
Save money and your sanity. Bring along snacks rather than stopping for them at gas stations. It is cheaper and you all ready know what your family likes to snack on. Likewise bring along their needs whether it is a certain pillow, toy or blanket make sure that you pack it. Quick Tip: for parents remember to take a long a thermos as many times gas stations will allow you to fill it fairly cheap
Whatever you do and where ever you travel remember to enjoy yourself and have some fun

1 comment:

  1. These are all great tips! We haven't done any long road trips for awhile but I'll definitely keep these in mind next time we do!


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