Tuesday, August 11, 2015

American Artist Sue Fuller : Lesson in String Art

American artist Sue Fuller, a constructivist and printmaker creates many creative and wondrous pieces. Born in 1914 in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and attending Carnegie Institute of Technology. One of her medias is string art

Fuller used string art to be creative. The picture above is a piece of her work created simply of string. What is string art:
acoording to wikipedia
String art, or pin and thread art, is characterized by an arrangement of colored thread strung between points to form abstract geometric patterns or representational designs such as a ship's sails, sometimes with other artist material comprising the remainder of the work. Thread, wire, or string is wound around a grid of nails hammered into a velvet-covered wooden board. Though straight lines are formed by the string, the slightly different angles and metric positions at which strings intersect gives the appearance of Bézier curves (as in the mathematical concept of envelope of a family of straight lines). quadratic Bézier curve are obtained from strings based on two intersecting segments. Other forms of string art include Spirelli, which is used for cardmaking and scrapbooking, and curve stitching, in which string is stitched through holes.

String Art for Kids
find a great tutorial here

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  1. How cool. I love art of all kinds.

    1. in school I can remember being able to do string art, it was the teachers then that helped me fall in love with art, thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment

  2. That is cool. I used to do string art with the kids.

    1. yes we love it I can remember the first piece I did was in art class in school, now it is a creative art that we do as we find time. thanks for stopping by for a visit and leaving a comment letting me know you were here

  3. Wow that is really cool. My kids would love to do this to put in their rooms I'm sure! Very neat. - Jeanine

  4. What a fun craft! I remember doing this in middle school, I made a ship.

    1. first place I made a piece of string art was in school , now my children do it as well. thanks for visiting us and leaving us a comment

  5. I love string art. There are so many creative things you can make with it and you can decorate your walls inexpensively.

    1. yes you are so right a cheap piece of art that can look very attractive thanks for visiting

  6. That is pretty neat. I am an art lover in general :)

    1. me too and while I am not an artist this is a form of art that nearly everyone can do fairly inexpensive thanks again for visiting us

  7. Wow This IsBeautiful Thank You For Sharing

  8. So beautiful! Love the idea! Will try it!

    1. thanks hope you do it is fairly easy and inexpensive. Would love to see what you do if you get the chance to try your self. Thanks for the visit

  9. I like this .. I think its beautiful and features such intricate details

    1. thank you, thanks for the visit and come see us again some time

  10. It's always cool to see what artists can do with different tools. The patterns they can make are so unique!

    1. I am so right with you, so many different mediums and ways which the artist display their own personal form of art
      thanks for your visit , come see us again any time

  11. We are an art loving family. PRetty cool art here.

    1. we are too and that is part of the fun about learning about different artist and seeing what they do
      thanks for your visit and comment

  12. I love reading about the different crafts that people do since I am not the world's craftiest person. String art is neat!

    1. it is very neat and I find easier than other forms of arts to do
      thanks for visiting us

  13. I loved learning about this. It is s pretty and so cool to see how you can create art with so many things! I will try this !

    1. Thanks for your visit, I love different art as well. I love string art because it is so easy to create art in your choice of pattern and color

  14. So pretty! Thanks for the tutorial, I think my daughter will love trying this.

    1. I hope she gets a try at it I believe mostly like she would as she can create her own pattern, use her own color

  15. I have seen something like this a bit before. I think it's such a cool idea.

    1. yes, I have seen before as well in fact have participated in doing one in school
      thanks for visiting and leaving a comment

  16. These are stunning. We did this in school as school projects. It was fun!

  17. If my sister ever has a baby, I will be making the name out of string art

  18. I love making string art...so many ways to be creative with string art.

  19. I've seen some really cool string art popping up all over Pinterest in recent years. I remember doing a variation of it as a kid. This is really cute!


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