Wednesday, July 1, 2015

In Our Neck of the Woods

In our neck of the woods the rain has becoming a lot. At times it has rained each and every day with the land getting very wet and unable to take much more it starts to back up and the rivers fill up. My grandmother would have said "the creeks are arising" That would have meant we were either headed into town to stay with family or friends or we were going to prepare for a flood.

Most that live in the lower lands have all ready experienced floods and know what to do. The basic plan is to be ready. Just like we are ready for storms and power outages by having flashlights, batteries, candles and a lighter close by a flood can be prepared for as well. It is best to  have basic needs in a safe place in the case that a flood would occur.

One thing to prepare for is what you will eat. A three day supply of non perishable food is what most suggest having on hand. Be sure that these are foods that your family will eat. In our supply you will find items such as peanut butter, crackers, a bit of candy for the young ones, granola bars, cereal, and canned meat and other can goods. We try to always pack away cans that are easy to open and no need for can openers. It is best to have foods that require no heating up or refrigeration as there may be none if the area does flood. Don't forget needs such as eating utensils, knives and yes while we do not rely on them here can openers.

Water is another need that must be met and may not be available in a flood. Again it is suggested that you store a 3 day supply. Needs may vary on health, age, physical condition, activity, diet and the weather. It is best if you count on at least one gallon of water per person per day. This water will serve for drinking and sanitation as well. If there are children, nursing mothers or sick among the group you may need more. If the weather is warm where you are you may need to store double the suggested amount. It is best if the water you store is commercially bottled water (however be aware that there was a recall recently) Be sure to check the "use" by date and store in a cool dark place.

A few other things you may want to have packed as well may include

Be safe out there and if you are in the low line areas prepare yourself for the "creeks are arising"



  1. That's a good list. It's always smart to be prepared regardless of what type of disaster may hit.

  2. In CA, we need to be prepared for earthquakes. it's important for every family to be prepared for a disaster! Thank you for sharing this list.

  3. This is great list to be prepared. We have the opposite here in the desert as we are very dry.

  4. Thank you for the supply list! We don't usually have to worry about floods here, but we have gotten tons of rain lately and you just never know.


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