Thursday, July 30, 2015

Anywhere Labels giveaway ends 8/14

As parents we often have the fear of what if... We are protectors no matter what and as mothers if something happens then we become mama bear protecting our little cubs. Perhaps you were like me and tried to figure out the what ifs... before the scenario played out. One way that I protected my own children was with safety tats.

Safety tats have always been there just in case something happened. If your child got lost or perhaps you are in a large group and somehow you get separated from your child safety tat was there to help. How was it there to help because the information to get hold of you was on a tat that the child would wear. Awesome idea right, if you think so then you may just like the next idea I have to share.

Back to school season is here and that means children will be headed back to school with all their supplies. It also means that colleges are open and students will be packing up, leaving home and moving away to go to school. Yes, whichever level your child is at they will be taking supplies with them that we want them to take care of as if we were there. So to protect our items and help ensure that they will be returned if lost once again we turn to the same company that make safety tats. This time it is labels for our items or our children items. The new labels are called anywhere labels and can go anywhere that our children go. Just like safety tats the labels have a place to put information like a phone number to ensure that if item is lost the person finding it will know how to get it back to where it needs to go.

Be assured that these labels are different than others. First off they were made to be durable and are made out of a strong material. The labels can go an endless amount of places as they are dish washer safe, washing machine safe and stick well an any clean, dry solid surface. In addition to the labels are care tags that can be placed on surfaces that are not solid so that they can be labeled as well.

We reviewed the camp combo of anywhere labels. The kit contained 16 big and 26 small labels and 3 metal tags as well. One of annies home lucky readers will win a kit just like the one I was able to review. Want your chance to win?
To enter giveaway you must (this will be checked)
visit the anywhere labels website and let me know something that you find there of interest that I did not all ready share with you. 
Extra Entries:
subscribe to my blog annies home (located on the upper right hand corner)
subscribe to our sponsor safety tat ( 1/2 way down page on left side )
visit the safety tat facebook page and leave a message letting them know that you entered the giveaway here on annies home
like our facebook fan page (leave your facebook name in comment)
follow us on twitter  @shopannies (let us know in comment leave your twitter @ID as well)
Tweet about the giveaway leaving url in comment
comment on any of our facebook posts (leave url of where you commented in comments)
good luck thank you for entering our giveaway. As always email must be included in mandatory comment so that I can notify winner. Giveaway ends August 14th.


  1. This was great and yet made me sad summer will be over soon! My youngest will be a senior and she has already informed me she won't be needing supplies!! What?

  2. I love this idea and I think it's incredible that these are dishwasher and washing machine safe. That really makes a huge difference in terms of what I can use these labels on!

  3. How cool these are! That's a great idea for labeling the kids' back to school stuff. If they are anything like mine, they loose stuff all the time. At least whoever finds it will know who to return it to.

  4. Love labels!! I really need to pick up a new set so we can get the youngest ready for school.
    Good luck on the giveaway everyone!

  5. I label everything when my kids go back to school! It's just a great easy way to help them keep up with everything!

  6. I haven't labeled yet.. but I can't wait! I usually use marker and it fades over time.

  7. Great kit, loving those metal tags! This is perfect for back-to school and getting organized.

  8. Very good idea. Always smart to label things.

  9. What a great idea! I have 5 kids and when we go to amusement parks I always worry about one of them getting lost because of the crowds.

  10. I like This Brand . this is definitely a great way to keep track of kids especially in open hectic areas like a theme park

  11. I think I'm an odd person, I don't think I have ever really labeled anything of my children's. I didn't even remember my own things as a kid having a label on them. I do think they're needed, would keep the arguing in the house down when it comes to the kids toys.

  12. Labels are so great, especially for when kids are younger, with everything they bring back and forth between school and home.

  13. Labels have saved so many items for us. Kids in grade school tend to have the same tastes and buy the same items. A label ensures you're taking the right one home from lost and found. ;)

  14. This is great! I love labels, especially for school things. I hadn't heard of this brand before but I will for sure be checking it out! - Jeanine

  15. Love labels for uniforms! Great to keep the stuff you buy for your kids from getting lost in the lost and found abyss.

  16. I love these labels! My son is headed to kindergarten and we need to label everything!

  17. build your own tats seem like great family bonding idea i joined you on my facebook page beverly harrold. with three grandkids its going to help a lot to label their stuff but i like the 6 pack of metal labels for my own

  18. i like that they are easy to use and nice looking
    rafflecopter name is aarone mawdsley

  19. I love the idea of the Medical Condition Tats! My daughter has a compromised respiratory system and these would be very useful under certain circumstances.

  20. Happy to be a facebook fan of your page!

  21. I am a new follower of the Safety Tat facebook page too...thanks for directing me there to "like" them!

  22. i love that they are dishwasher and washing machine safe!

  23. I love the fact that they are dishwasher safe and so durable! :)

  24. I love that they are dishwasher safe so I don't have to keep putting them on the lunch containers!

  25. I follow you on twitter (@ClairFreebie)

  26. Clair Freebie ~

  27. I also love their Tat Kisses. They look super cool :)
    Thank You

    Fiona N

  28. I subscribed to Your blog annies home via my email: iceyogurt(at)gmail(dot)com

    Fiona N

  29. I visited the safety tat facebook page and left a message under name: fiona nuyen

    Fiona N

  30. I liked Annies Home on facebook as name: fiona nuyen

    Fiona N

  31. I tweeted this giveaway:

    Fiona N

  32. I also left my comment on Your facebook:

    Thank You for the chance

    Fiona N


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