Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Make Your Own and celebrate grape popsicle day

Today is grape Popsicle day. My grand-daughter Princess the grand-daughter of purple and pink welcome this day with open arms. I do as well granted that I can make my own. I know I know the supermarket is full of grape Popsicle and many other varieties as well. I think it is fun to get in the kitchen with the kids and one of the easiest recipes I know is for grape popsicles. They are the same cold, icy treat that will cool one down after spending time outside.

To make these yummy frozen treats
pick up a gallon of your favorite fruit juice for purple Popsicle day we will want to use grape juice. If you want you can add sliced fruit to the juice as well. This will just add a bit of texture some may like and others not so much. Now take some of those small paper cups and place a craft stick in the middle to provide a handle when frozen. Freeze the juice mix for 2 to 3 hours or until it is solid.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a great day to me!!!! I will have to make some myself too!!!


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