Sunday, March 15, 2015

O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus

The hymn "O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus" was written by Samuel Trevor Francis in 1875. Samuel was born in 1834 in a village north of London but was raised in the city of Hull which is midway up the English coast. He had an enriched childhood with a father as an artist and his parents supplying him with poetry and himself completing a journal of his own poetry. He also developed a passion for music and joined the church choir at the age of nine. Like many teens even in todays culture there was a struggle with spiritually. Moving back to London for a job allowed him to see things that were not right in his heart. On his journey to work one day in the cold rain and loneliness he cried out to God for mercy. It was on a bridge on his path that he took a long look at his life and debated of ending it all in that water that night. He took Jesus in his heart that winter night and changed his life.
Becoming a London merchant and writing hymns while preaching the word. He died on December 28th 1925 and was known for preaching around the world as a Plymouth brethren.

This bit of history helps to remind me that there is a plan for my life and He has a plan that we may not even know as of yet. Keep the faith and belief. Share with others what He has done for us and give praise to Jesus

shared at
spiritual sundays
sunday stillness
TGI Saturday


  1. This hymn has so many wonderful images of Jesus' love. Thank-you for sharing about the hymn writer. I'm glad you visited my blog. Have a blessed Sunday!

  2. I enjoyed reading the history of this hymn!


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