Monday, November 10, 2014

Countdown to Thanksgiving

Its almost here we will be on the countdown to Thanksgiving. I am sharing this list just a few days before the countdown actually begins so that you can have an opportunity to get ready.

2 weeks before thanksgiving:
plan the menu whether it be traditional or one that will capture your own personal concept which may tie them both together depending on your personal style.

Decide the type of turkey you will prepare. Some of my friends like a good turkey breast, others order from a turkey farm and some even simply head out to get a turkey from the freezer of the local grocery store. Whatever you choose to do now is the time to do it

1 week before thanksgiving
time to make up the various list that you will need. Grocery list, table setting list, and linen and household supply list may be among the list you need to create

make a seating chart and decide where everyone will sit and make sure that the linens are all ready and clean

house cleaning time and time to decorate as well. Make the house feel warm and comfortable

now is also a great time to make a cooking plan what will be created when. It is much better to do that now rather than at the time when it all needs done.

Monday before Thanksgiving:
purchase all the non - perishable items you will need

time to defrost the turkey

time to set the table and the centerpiece. This allows you to enjoy it for more time than just the big day.

prepare recipes and serving dishes. One great way to do this is to write the recipe on an index card and place in the dish it will be created in

time to clean the glassware. If you have a special set of wine glasses or you are like me and have a special set of glasses set aside for company use.

Day before Thanksgiving:
prepare veggies that will be needed for the dinner. Place these in plastic baggies and chill

prepare the pies

prepare the potatoes, store in a covered bowl of cold water

prepare appetizers that you will be serving

today is the day to pick up that fresh turkey

shop for all those last minute items such as bread, rolls, salad, etc...

prepare the side dishes that can be made ahead of time.

Thanksgiving Day:
Big day of cooking but also remember to make room in the kitchen and also to enjoy yourself when its time for the dinner

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