Wednesday, October 29, 2014

5 little pumpkins

I love to do little activities with my grandbabies and this finger play is perfect for halloween
Five Jolly Pumpkins
Five jolly pumpkins, growing on a vine.
The first one said, “I’m round and fat and fine.”
The second one said, “I’ll make delicious pies” and
The third one said, “Soon I’ll have scary eyes.”
The fourth one said, “I’ll have a candle light.”
The fifth one said, “On Halloween night…”
Five Jack-o-lanterns looking at YOU!
You’d better be careful, ‘cause they might say BOO!

shared at
share your cup Thursday
Moonlight and Mason Jars


  1. We did this one when I taught preschool and the kids loved it!!! Happy Halloween

  2. Yup, this is a favorite! Haven't done it for a long time and I couldn't think of all of the words. There's also 1 little, 2 little, 3 little witches. Kids love these things. Thanks for sharing with SYC. Pinning so I don't forget the words. lol!

  3. My son loves this one, I haven't heard these verses before, so cute!


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